Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Social Network Advertising

Social Network Advertising

I will be talking about social network advertising.  Social network advertising is vastly growing form of advertising mainly due to the fact that so many people use social networks.  In this blog I will be talking about the four major reasons why advertising is popular on social networks.  All four of the reasons come from Mrinal Todi from the University of Pennsylvania.  The four reasons that he discusses in his Wharton Research Scholars Journal is large reach, cost efficient, targeted advertising, and time spent on-line.  

Large reach is the primary reason because with large amounts of users on social networks it makes it easy to reach a lot of users at one time.  

Cost efficiency can apply to almost all Internet advertising not just social networks but it is a driving force behind why advertising is popular on social networks.

 The third reason, target advertising, is a huge form of advertising on social networks because it allows the advertiser to gather information on a user and use that to target ads towards them.

 Time spent online is the last reason.  This reason ties into what I was talking about in the begging of the blog.  Since users are spending more time on-line and on social networks it makes it easier to reach them through the Internet.  

Mrinal Todi's Wharton Research Scholars Journal.

Work Cited:
Todi, Mrinal. Advertising on Social Networking Websites. University of Pennsylvania             
      Scholarly Commons. N.p., 1 May 2008. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.


  1. I agree with a statement that large reach is the primary reason of Social Networking advertising. At the present time nearly everyone is using Facebook, Tweeter, LinkedIn,Youtube etc. This is a great opportunity for companies to advertise them self. By posting one advertisement on one of the many social network websites company can reach thousands of people and very often influence them to buy their product/service. It is also much cheaper and convenient to do. I would say that now a day social networking websites are blessing for advertisers.

  2. I think these sites are an advertising gold mine. I don't have any problem with the ads I experience while on Facebook and some of the other sites. As long as the ad doesn't slow me down, I'm ok with it. The ads on YouTube, on the other hand, drive me crazy. I will often find a video I want to watch, and end up ditching the idea because I don't want to watch a 30 sec ad.

  3. I agree with Brad. I don't mind the advertisements that are on the side of websites like Facebook or Amazon, but I have a bigger problem with the ones that stream videos like commercials. Sometimes, if the advertisement is going to be 30 seconds or more, I am likely to close the video and try to find another one. I think that could hurt some websites like you tube who make money on people who watch their videos. If advertisers could find another way to show their products and not interrupt what I am searching for online, then I have no problem with their advertisements. But understanding the primary reasons for online advertising, I now know why they place ads where they do.

    -Lauren Gorowski

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  5. Such interesting post on the social network advertising. I also have a new business and have been trying out various methods to grow the sales and must tell you that with the help of the facebook ads Los Angeles potential services, our business has raked in good number of sales.
