Monday, February 25, 2013

Making your Blog more Search Engine Friendly!

Creating a blog or website that is not only appealing to search engines but to humans can  leave bloggers and webmasters between a rock and a hard place. Basic Blog Tips is a blog created by Blogger Ileane Smith, who posts about how to maintain, market, and write in your blogs. In her article, "Writing SEO Articles for Humans – 5 Critical Tips", Smith points out how it can become easy to write for search engine optimization and forget about your human readers.Smith goes on to point out 5 key tips at pleasing your website visitors while maintaining an attractive SEO stance.

Critical Tips


1. Your Title

The title of your blog is what will initially attract your visitors so the importance of it  cannot be stressed enough. Smith also points out that including your top ketwords in your title will help with search rank visibility and whether or not your even rank on some of the top search engines.

2. Using Heading Tags Consistently

Proper Headings and subheadings help your posts to be more human reader friendly for the simple fact that visitors can easily break up content. Smith also points out that large blocks of words without spacing or paragraph format can look unprofessional.

3. Keywords

Words used in Headings and subheadings must be "sprinkled", as blogmaster Ileane Smith puts it, throughout the article. Smith says this will not help your blog/website rank higher but it will help search engines identify what your article is about. She also points out that it is important to not overuse your keywords when posting because it will cause your blog/website to be spammed.


4. Keyword Variation

Ms. Smith continues with her critical tips by pointing out that when focusing on writing for SEO purposes many people will use the same keyword over and over without using related keywords.
Related keywords will help your articles seem more "informational" as Smith puts it. She suggests using keyword winner WordPress plug-in .


5. Proof Reading

Smith points out to always proofread for the simple fact that human visitors are "very critical of small errors on blogs".


  1. Thank you for the tips, they are very useful. I would definitely take them into account whenever I work on my blog

  2. These are really good tips, I would certainly use them when I do my blogs for this class and for my other blogs as well.
    Thank you.
