Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Internet Ads: Expect to see more and more!

As consumers, and particularly, as consumers in the United States, we are at the forefront of the new wave of marketing.  Internet ads, which have only taken shape in the last 2 decades, have become an integral part of brand communication.  However, as we look to the future, there is only an expectation for more and more web based ads.  Below is a picture from Marketing Charts online, it displays the advertising expenditure dispersement, and how web based ads are on pace to overtake print media as the second most funded ad channel by 2015:

That number is surely to continue to rise, and it seems the not to distant future may involve ads to access nearly anything on the internet.  We already have seen sites such as Youtube, or ESPN require the viewing of an ad before using a site function  and given this data above, I would expect that tactic to be expanded throughout the web.


Marketing Charts. "Global Online Ad Spending Forecast to Exceed Print in 2015."Marketing Charts. N.p., 3 Dec. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <http://www.marketingcharts.com/wp/television/global-online-ad-spend-forecast-to-exceed-print-in-2015-25105/>.


  1. The picture chart is a very good example of how advertisements and the way people advertise are changing with technology. I am sure that ever since the birth of the Internet, more and more advertisements have been shown online rather than in the daily newspaper. This also shows why a lot of newspaper companies are struggling in todays market due to the internet taking there advertisements along with their customers.
    Jack Williams

  2. I agree with your statement, I really think that a lot of daily newspaper companies are struggling in the market now because of all the companies that were advertising on their newspaper are using online ads now. That is why we see a lot of newspapers companies now switching to online news now.

  3. Advertising used to be all about advertisers convincing people to buy things. But today, more and more advertisers are inspiring consumers to do much more than consume. So my question is, what are the possible goals that can be approach by internet advertising ?

  4. Individually, I think it is so easy for online ads to spread out does not matter if the agency is some start up companies or the big one as Google. Those ads come in many exotic forms, but they have one thing in common: a desire to replace the old approach to advertising, in which advertisers pay for the privilege of “exposing” a theoretical audience to their message, with one in which advertisers pay only for real and measurable actions by consumers, such as clicking on a web link, sharing a video, placing a call, printing a coupon or buying something.
    Uyen Pham

  5. Mustafa, I think that is a good question, I believe that one of the greatest benefits of internet advertising is that companies have the ability to produce ads that people will actually seek out to view. For instance, although Red Bull ran their "World of Red Bull" commercials on TV they also released them on the internet and have amassed over 8 million VOLUNTARY views on only two videos. This is a powerful way to build a connection with your target audience, and may be one of the best tools going forward.

    1. Pepsi Max has also capitalized on the YouTube advertising craze. Most recently with NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon, but the widely popularized "Uncle Drew" featuring NBA star Kyrie Irving along with Bill Russell and Kevin Love. I even showed the YouTube videos to friends, giving the company exactly what it wanted. Isn't that wild? I never would have thought that free advertising would be so easy.

  6. I agree that newspapers are struggling badly. I personally don't get the newspaper anymore. I used to only get it because of the coupons. :) Now whenever I want to read any news I either look it up on the internet or use mobile apps. Print is becoming very rare and online reading is becoming the go to place now.

  7. By looking at the chart, I would like to predict that in the future more advertising will be through the internet because most people spend their time on facebook, and other types of website which have a lot of advertising.

    Kawg Yang
