Thursday, April 11, 2013

Forms of Social Network Advertising


Last blog about Social network advertising we talked about the four major reasons why advertising is popular  on social networks.  This blog We are going to discuss the three major forms of social network advertising.

The first form of social network advertising is advertising based on friends.  Take for example you purchase some music online and it tells you that your friend purchased a certain song hoping that you will then purchase that song too.  This form of social network advertising is highly effective.

Anther form is advertising based on networking cite.  These are the ads that you would see surrounding a page of whichever social network you are on.  A popular example would be the ads to the side of your news feed when you get on Facebook.

The last form of social network advertising is advertising based on different groups or pages.  Facebook is a great example for this form as well.  On Facebook when a company creates a page for users to like is a example of this form.  Companies use this form because it allows them to spread brand awareness or show off new products.  This form also is a highly effective method.

Work Cited:

Todi, Mrinal. Advertising on Social Networking Websites. University of Pennsylvania            
      Scholarly Commons. N.p., 1 May 2008. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly wouldn't say social network advertising is that effective. This of course is biased information, when I'm on Facebook I normally don't pay attention to the ad. I believe the only organazations that should advertise on social media, are the movie industry org. Those attract more users through their trailers.
