Thursday, April 11, 2013

How Apps Have Changed the world of Advertising in Newspapers

      The world of advertising has changed significantly since the creation of apps. The world of apps has especially influenced newspaper advertising. The ads in apps have the ability of being more creative and content rich, provided such things as games or videos as ads. Print advertising is a one-way street, offering minimal creativity when compared to app advertising.
      A study conducted by Kantar Media Custom found that, “while a full page ad was considered equally eye-catching as an interactive iPad app, the content rich iPad advertising outperformed print in three key areas: ‘like’, ‘entertainment’, and ‘informative’” (Mackay).
      Although this may be the case, app advertising has its downside. With technology on the rise and privacy issues becoming more apparent, advertisements are able to apply specifically to you. Ad companies are able to take in data on you and target you with specific advertisements. This is how advertising has evolved. Lots of people are worried about their privacy; others however enjoy it. Many would rather see an ad applicable to them then one that has no relation at all.
      Therefore I pose this question for our blog viewers: Do you agree with what this study has found? And are you happy with the way advertising has evolved?
Tyler Williamson


  1. Every chance I get I leave off anything trying to track my location. Data gathering is a different story, I dont like it. Since its just more internet advertising, its not really something to hurt me, but I dont like being targeted for ads either.
    -Mitchell Anderson

  2. I believe that in some ways personalizing someones ads may not be that bad, but when companies saved your searches and begin to share that information with possible other companies and organizations is when i believe that it becomes a privacy issue. I always try to turn off or delete my history or searches when possible. I believe there should be a restriction on what these companies are allowed to gather from people and what they are allowed to share to others. (

  3. I think app ads are definitely a more effective way to advertise. You can cater to that particular customer and they can be interactive. In this digital age where people are on cell phones, iPads, & computers more than they read print magazines or newspapers, it only make sense. One downside, I guess, is the fact that consumers can feel a little "stalked." Companies track the websites visited by computers to cater ads to them. While this is good for a company, consumers might feel a loss of privacy.

  4. Apps did Change the world of Advertising in Newspapers! I haven't bought a paper newspapers for years! there are many newspapers App, some of them are free, some of them need to pay. But it is easy to do the traction now. I dont need to collect the paper newspapers, only need to track the date on the apps. I love Newspapers apps personlly!

    Wenyi Chen

  5. Not only Newspapers, but I also use this app called Flipboard, which is like a magazine where you can check out different sections such as Business, Sports, Technology and it will give you articles related to the section you chose. But I have noticed that they are ramping up their advertising within this app as well.

    Zach Radmanesh

  6. Cristina TrangheseApril 13, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    I love the Wall Street Journal App for IPHONE, i feel its a great way to stop paying for newspapers and the app is free in the app store! You can keep up with the news without having to wait to connect through safari!
