Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Internet Ad Spending By Country

All around the world the Internet is beginning to expand further and grow deeper roots.  Below a chart of the top online ad spenders puts the United States in the expected #1 Spot.  China and Japan's presence near the top also make logical sense.  Regardless of the rankings, the importance of this table is the projection of continued growth year to year for all countries.  The growth of the internet is only going to continue, and with that growth comes the increase in online ad spending.  While other forms of advertising like the print medium diminish  I would expect the continued rapid growth of the online ad industry worldwide. 

Posted By: Alex Herko


GO-Gulf. "Global Online Advertising Spending Statistics." GO-Gulf. N.p., 2 May 12. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. <http://www.go-gulf.com/blog/online-ad-spending/>.


  1. Cristina TrangheseMarch 27, 2013 at 8:08 AM

    I think the amount of money the US is spending on internet advertising is astronomical! 46.5 billion dollars just alone in 2013! Great Post Alex!

  2. With what we learnt in class about the Bandwidth and speed of internet in countries such as Korea and Japan, I thought that they would rank closer than a 40% difference in spending. I guess the size of the indidvidual countries and consumer spending is something to factor in.

    Rebecca Ries

  3. I like the internet just as much as the next person, but I think there are better ways to be spending the money. I understand that technology is always changing and upgrading. This therefore means that money has to be spent on those updates. However there is so much wrong in our world. Our national debt is out of control, and the number of the homeless increases daily. I feel if we mimicked some of the countries that spent less money on it year to year we would see a great change in our nation. Some of the countries that were further down on the list from us are in some ways better off than us!

    Laura Mayhew

  4. I guess I am not really surprised by the amount of money spent on Internet advertising. With everyone spending so much time on the Internet both phones and computers, it is a better way to reach consumers. With all the money that is pumped into Internet Advertising, hopefully the return on the investment is worth it. I am also not surprised by the amount of money put towards Internet Advertising in other countries since these countries are technologically advanced.

  5. my point of view (as an Intern user):
    From observing my own buying habits I have found that stores who have both a strong online and retail presence enhance the buying experience. however growing in online advertising spending might really be an issue for those who use the "regular" advertising methods.
    There definitely has to be a spillover effect - online advertising just like its counterpart, can drive awareness which may then lead to offline sales. A dual strategy makes sense and we will deploy.

    So my question is, Do you think that the increase in internet advertising would affect the actual stores (for example stores in malls) ? why ?

  6. While it is true that internet advertising may be an effective method for businesses, as an internet user, it can be quite annoying. I think that we're already bombarded with enough internet ads, many of which people are leery of even clicking on (due to scams & computer viruses). To think that our country has plans to increase internet ads even more is a little scary. It seems like an ad would pop up with every click!

  7. Even though the US number is really high, I wonder how much of that dollar amount is being spent in advertising outside our country. It would be interesting to know if those amounts are just dollars spent on domestic advertising or otherwise. Even still, I'm extremely surprised by the fact that China's dollar amount is as low as it is in comparison to other. I would've definitely expected it to have been higher than Germany's.

  8. Its really interesting to see that China, even though at the bottom of the list, has a higher growth rate when it comes to this study. Most of the European countries are growing at a slow, but steady, rate, and the US and China are definitely pushing for growth a lot more.
    Jack Williams

  9. It only appears the US online advertising is going to contuine to grow at a rapid pace. All of the other countries are expecting little growth over the next few years. I am deeply suprised that these numbers are not going to be higher for all of the other countries besides the US. With the amount of technological information avaliable to Japan for example, it seems they would increase thier advertising budget more towards the online section. About 78 percent of Japan's population usues the internet in 2010, which makes me wonder why Japan does not use more of the online advertising.

    Sources: http://www.internetworldstats.com/asia/jp.htm

    Andrew Smith

  10. this is a good post! US is always spending the most on online advertising! I think the reason may be the population of the internet user. As I know, There is internet everywhere, not like other country. people are doing business online and studying online. A lot of people spend time online, like me, I dont have cable in my living place but internet in here, but back to my country, China, we dont spent that much time online, I think it is the reason why china have a small percentage on online advertising.

    by wenyi chen

  11. I think it's important that the U.S. keeps Internet advertising high. With the Internet, an international market can be reached. Already having a huge trade deficit, e-business could be exactly the thing to increase exports. People in other countries can easily find and purchase American products online. I think we should exploit our comparative advantage of being Internet savvy, and continue with high investment in Internet advertising.

  12. This is an interesting chart. It's mostly interesting how the US spends nearly as much on internet advertising as all the other competition combined. The expected growth is also incredibly high.

  13. It is no surprise that the United States is the leader in online advertising. Our entire society is bombarded with advertising daily. Although advertising creates revenue and sales, I find it annoying to see ads everywhere all day everyday. I hope that one day advertising agencies will work to deal with the relevance of ads toward certain consumers and try to combat redundancy of internet advertising.

  14. This is interesting, compare to the rest of the world, they're spending nothing! Hmmm, Maybe that's the reason why online stores like Amazon or ebay are being so productive during the recession. Everyone has access to the internet now so for the online ad. companies, more power to them for bringing income in!

  15. This is interesting chart showing the result and prediction of each year. I believe that the growth of internet will always keep growing because almost everybody purchases their goods on the interent.

    Kawg Yang

  16. This chart is very interesting. In my mind internet advertising almost like a double bladed sword, I mean lets be honest, no one enjoys listening to or watching advertising on the computer, but without it most internet sites would not exist, or would at least have to charge a premium for visiting them. While I do think those numbers are bit high compared to other countries, they do really show the prominent and growing role of the internet in the present and future.
